
Name Result Description Code Params Examples
Delay Boolean Make temporary script pause
function Delay(Time: cardinal): boolean;

Time - pause time (in ms, 1sec = 1000ms)

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Print - Write message/log to Adrenaline interface
procedure Print(Text);

Text - message text (any type)

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TimerEx Boolean Check timer
function TimerEx(var LastTime: cardinal; Interval: cardinal): boolean;

var LastTime - variable for last response time
Interval - timer interval (in ms, 1sec = 1000ms)

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OnFree - Events handler - script stopping
procedure OnFree;
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PlaySound - Play sound file
procedure PlaySound(FilePath: string; Loop: boolean = false);

FilePath - path to the sournd file
Loop - play in loop (default - not)

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StopSound - Stop playing sounds
procedure StopSound;
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GetL2ClassInfo String Get full/short class name by identificator
function GetL2ClassInfo(ClassID, InfoType: integer): string;

ClassID - class identificator
InfoType - type of information (1 - class full name, 2 - class short name)

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CalcXYZ TXYZ Generate intermediate point between two points/objects
function CalcXYZ(FromXYZ, ToXYZ: TXYZ; Delta: integer; SideDelta: integer = 0): TXYZ;
function CalcXYZ(FromObj: TL2Spawn; ToXYZ: TXYZ; Delta: integer; SideDelta: integer = 0): TXYZ;
function CalcXYZ(FromObj, ToObj: TL2Spawn; Delta: integer; SideDelta: integer = 0): TXYZ;

FromXYZ - fist point

ToXYZ -  second point

FromObj - first object

ToObj - second object

Delta - forward/backward offset

SideDelta - left/right offset (по умолчанию - отсутствует)

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Bot properties

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
LanguageID Integer Bot interface language (1 - russian, 2 - english)
function LanguageID: integer;
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ExePath String Adrenaline folder path
function ExePath: string;
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BotLoginID Cardinal Unique hash of PC. Recommended for creating PC binding for script.
function BotLoginID: cardinal;
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GetHWID Cardinal Unique PC identificator
function GetHWID: cardinal;
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Converting Data Types

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
FToStr String Convert floating point number to string
function FToStr(Number: double): string;

Number - floating point number

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MemToHex String Convert memory to hex string
function MemToHex(Data; Size: Word; Sep: char = #0): string;
function MemToHex(Str: AnsiString): string;

Data - different data
Size - data size
Sep - separator (default - emptry)

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HexToMem Cardinal / AnsiString Convert HEX string to memory
function HexToMem(Hex: string; var Buff): cardinal;
function HexToMem(Hex: string): AnsiString;

const Hex - HEX string
var Buff - container for recording

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Game events

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
OnAction - Events handler - different from TL2Action
procedure OnAction(Action: TL2Action; P1, P2: pointer);

Action - event type. Actions types.
P1, P2 - parameters, each event has their own values. Parameters descriptions.

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OnMoveEvent - Events handler - user started moving
procedure OnMoveEvent(Attacker: TL2Live; var StopMove: boolean);

Attacker - attacking object

var StopMove - stop moving

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For interaction with other Adrenaline accounts

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
GetControl TL2Control Get another account controller by character name
function GetControl(Name: string): TL2Control;

Name  - character name

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GetControlByIndex TL2Control Get another account controller by index
function GetControlByIndex(Index: integer): TL2Control;

Index - account index number (starting from 0)

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OnEntry Boolean Events handler - call TL2Control.Entry from script of another account
function OnEntry(var Param): boolean;

var Param - transmittable parameter

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ShMem - Global array available for all accounts
ShMem: array[0..1000] of integer;
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Network packets

Name Result Description Code Params Examples

Image captchas settings

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
MinCapSize Integer Minimal captchas-images size for sniffering. Dafault - 800. Can be changed.
property MinCapSize: integer;
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СaptchaScan Boolean Activity status of additional captchas-images sniffing. Can be changed.
property СaptchaScan: boolean;
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Sending notifications

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
SendToDiscord Boolean Send message to Discord
function SendToDiscord(ApiKey, Text: string): boolean;

ApiKey - unique key (generates in cabinet)

Text - message text

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SendToTelegram Boolean Send message to Telegram
function SendToTelegram(ApiKey, Text: string): boolean;

ApiKey - unique key (generates in cabinet)

Text - message text

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SendToIcq Boolean Send message to Icq
function SendToIcq(ApiKey, Text: string): boolean;

ApiKey - unique key (generates in cabinet)

Text - message text

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