Name Result Description Code Params Examples
LoadBase Integer Load paths database
function LoadBase(Path: string): integer;

Path - path to database file (*.db3)

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GetPath Integer Generate path between two points, using point coordinates
function GetPath(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2: integer): integer;

X1, Y1, Z1 - starting point coordinates 

X2, Y2, Z2 - final point coordinates

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GetPathByName Integer Generate path between two points using point name
function GetPathByName(X1, Y1, Z1: integer; PointName: string): integer;

X1, Y1, Z1 - starting point coordinates 

PointName - final point name

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Items TGpsPoint Get generated path point by index
function Items(Index: integer): TGpsPoint;

Index - point index (starting from 0)

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Count Integer Generated path points number
function Count: integer;
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Имя Класс Description
GPS TGps Account paths generator


Имя Результат Description
TBot.GPS TGps Account paths generator
TGps.Items TGpsPoint Get generated path point by index