
Name Result Description Code Params Examples
IsFreeAttackable boolean Is object available for attacking in NexTarget
function IsFreeAttackable(Obj: TL2Live): boolean;

Obj - object

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GetChangedName string Changed object name in NexTarget-GameUtils
function GetChangedName(Name: string): string;

Name - name

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IsWorking boolean Is NexTarget using important functions now
function IsWorking: boolean;
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Screen Messages

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
Notice - Show message on screen
procedure Notice(Text: string; Position: TPosition = pTopCenter; Time: integer = 3000; FontSize: integer = 24; FontColor: string = 'clWhite'; BorderColor: string = 'clBlack');

Text - text
Position - position on screen (pTopLeft / pTopCenter / pTopRight / pMiddleLeft / pMiddleCenter / pMiddleRight / pBottomLeft / pBottomCenter / pBottomRight) (default - top center)
Time - showing time in ms (default  - 3sec)
FontSize - font size (default - 24px)
FontColor -  color of text (default - white) 
BorderColor - color of text border (default - black) 

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Window "History"

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
ClearLogs - Clear messages in window History
procedure ClearLogs;
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Log - Print message to window History (opens by pressing )
procedure Log(Text: string; FontColor: string = 'clWhite');

Text - text
FontColor - color of text (default - white)

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Window "Objects"

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
ClearObjs - Clear list of objects in window Objects
procedure ClearObjs;
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ObjsListItem TObjsListItem Create element for list of objects
function ObjsListItem(OID: cardinal; FontColor: string = 'clWhite'): TObjsListItem;

FontColor - color of text (default - white)

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LoadObjs - Load list of objects to window Objects (opens by pressing )
procedure LoadObjs(ObjsList: array of TObjsListItem);

ObjsList - list of objects

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Name Result Description Code Params Examples
ChangeWidgetCaption - Edit title of widget
procedure ChangeWidgetCaption(Name: string; Caption: string);

Name - unique name
Caption - title

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ChangeWidgetOpacity - Edit opacity of widget
procedure ChangeWidgetOpacity(Name: string; Opacity: byte);

Name - unique name
Opacity - opacity

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GetWidgetPosition - Get current position of widget
procedure GetWidgetPosition(Name: string; var Top, Left: integer);

Name - unique name
Top, Left - varibles, where position will be wrote

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DeleteWidget - Delete widget
procedure DeleteWidget(Name: string);

Name - unique name

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ChangeWidgetVisibility - Edit visibility of widget
procedure ChangeWidgetVisibility(Name: string; Visible: boolean);

Name - unique name
Visible - visibility

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ChangeWidgetPosition - Edit position of widget
procedure ChangeWidgetPosition(Name: string; Top, Left: integer);

Name - unique name
Top, Left - position from top, left side of screen

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ChangeWidgetWidth - Edit width of widget
procedure ChangeWidgetWidth(Name: string; Width: integer);

Name - unique name
Width - width

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CreateWidget - Create widget
procedure CreateWidget(Name: string; Caption: string; Width: integer = 250; Top, Left: integer = 0; Visible: boolean = true; Opacity: byte = 100);

Name - unique name
Caption - title
Width - width (default - 250px)
Top - position from top side of screen (default - 0px)
Left - position from left side of screen (default - 0px)
Visible - visibility (default - visible)
Opacity - opacity (default - 100%)

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Widgets - Checkboxes

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
ChangeCheckboxFontColor - Edit color of text of checkbox
procedure ChangeCheckboxFontColor(WidgetName: string; Name: string; FontColor: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
FontColor - color of text

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DeleteCheckbox - Delete checkbox
procedure DeleteCheckbox(WidgetName: string; Name: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name

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ChangeCheckboxCaption - Edit caption of checkbox
procedure ChangeCheckboxCaption(WidgetName: string; Name: string; Caption: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
Сaption - caption

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GetCheckBoxValue boolean Get state of checkbox
function GetCheckBoxValue(WidgetName: string; Name: string): boolean;

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name

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CreateCheckbox - Create checkbox
procedure CreateCheckbox(WidgetName: string; Name: string; Caption: string; Checked: Boolean = false; FontColor: string = 'clWhite');

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
Caption - caption
Checked - is checked (deault - not)
FontColor - color of text (default - white)

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ChangeCheckboxValue - Edit value of checkbox
procedure ChangeCheckboxValue(WidgetName: string; Name: string; Checked: boolean);

WidgetName - unique name of widget

Name - unique name

Checked - is checked

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Widgets - Labels

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
DeleteLabel - Delete label
procedure DeleteLabel(WidgetName: string; Name: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name

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ChangeLabelCaption - Edit text of label
procedure ChangeLabelCaption(WidgetName: string; Name: string; Caption: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
Caption - text

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CreateLabel - Create label
procedure CreateLabel(WidgetName: string; Name: string; Caption: string; FontColor: string = 'clWhite');

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
Caption - text
FontColor- color of text (default - white)

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ChangeLabelFontColor - Edit color of text of label
procedure ChangeLabelFontColor(WidgetName: string; Name: string; FontColor: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
FontColor - color of text

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Widgets - Input fields

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
CreateEdit - Create input field
procedure CreateEdit(WidgetName: string; Name: string; Text: string = ''; NumbersOnly: boolean = false);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
Text - text (default - empty)
NumbersOnly - allow to type only numbers (default - not)

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DeleteEdit - Delete input field
procedure DeleteEdit(WidgetName: string; Name: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name

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ChangeEditValue - Edit text of input field
procedure ChangeEditValue(WidgetName: string; Name: string; Text: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
Text - text

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GetEditValue string Get text of input field
function GetEditValue(WidgetName: string; Name: string): string;

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name

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Widgets - Icons

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
GetCheckImageValue boolean Get state of icon
function GetCheckImageValue(WidgetName: string; Name: string): Boolean;

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name

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CreateCheckImage - Create icon
procedure CreateCheckImage(WidgetName: string; Name: string; FileName: string; Checked: Boolean = false);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
FileName - name of file (in folder NTIcons)
Checked - is checked (default - not)

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ChangeCheckImageValue - Edit state of icon
procedure ChangeCheckImageValue(WidgetName: string; Name: string; Checked: boolean);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
Checked - is checked

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ChangeCheckImageFileName - Edit file of icon
procedure ChangeCheckImageFileName(WidgetName: string; Name: string; FileName: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name
FileName - name of file (in folder NTIcons)

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DeleteCheckImage - Delete icon
procedure DeleteCheckImage(WidgetName: string; Name: string);

WidgetName - unique name of widget
Name - unique name

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