
Name Result Description Code Params Examples
MoveTo Boolean Move to point / object
function MoveTo(X, Y, Z: integer; Timeout: integer = 8000): boolean;
function MoveTo(Obj: TL2Spawn; Delta: integer): boolean;

X, Y, Z - point coordinates
Timeout - waiting time for problems while moving (default - 8sec) 
Obj - object
Delta - forward/backward offset

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DMoveTo Boolean Move to point. Without waiting for movement ending and server answer.
function DMoveTo(X, Y, Z: integer): boolean;

Z, Y, Z - point coordinates

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MoveToTarget Boolean Move to target
function MoveToTarget(Delta: integer = -100): Boolean;

Delta - forward/backward offset (default - 100 in front of target)

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Unstuck Boolean Use return to village (/unstuck)
function Unstuck: boolean;
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GoHome Boolean Resurrect (to village / to clan hall / ...)
function GoHome(ResType: TRestartType = rtTown): boolean;

ResType - resurrect method. Resurrect methods.

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Teleport Boolean Teleport to location. For new game chronicles.
function Teleport(ID: cardinal): boolean;

ID - location identificator. Locations identificators.

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FindPath Boolean Generate path between two points taking into account bot map zones
function FindPath(StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY: integer; PathList: TList): boolean;

StartX, StartY - start point coordinates
EndX, EndY - end point coordinates
PathList - list where path will be written

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Name Result Description Code Params Examples
UseAction Boolean Use action
function UseAction(ID: cardinal; Force: boolean = false; Shift: boolean = false): boolean;

ID - action identificator. Actions identificators.
Force - use with force (via Ctrl) (default - false)

Shift - use via Shift (default - false)

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Attack Boolean Attack target
function Attack(PauseTime: сardinal = 2000; Force: boolean = false): boolean;

PauseTime - pause after attack (in ms, 1sec = 1000ms) (default - 2sec)
Force - attack with force (with Ctrl) (default - not)

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Pickup Boolean Pickup drop/item laying on the ground
function PickUp(Item: TL2Drop; ByPet: boolean = false): boolean;

Item - drop/item laying on the ground

ByPet - pickup by pet (default - not)

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Pickup Integer Activate automatical pickup of drop/items laying on the ground
function Pickup(Range: cardinal = 250; ZLimit: cardinal = 150; OnlyOwn: boolean = false; ByPet: boolean = false): integer;

Range - maximal pickup distance (default - 250)

ZLimit - limitation on difference in Z coordinate (default - 150)

OnlyOwn - pickup only user/group drop/items (default - not)

ByPet - pickup by pet (default - not)

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Stand Boolean Stand up
function Stand: boolean;
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Sit Boolean Sit
function Sit: boolean;
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Targeting / target search

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
SetTarget Boolean Target object
function SetTarget(Name: string): boolean;
function SetTargetID(ID: cardinal): boolean;
function SetTarget(Obj: TL2Live): boolean;

Name - object name
ID - object identificator
Obj - object

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Action Boolean Target object. Without waiting for server answer.
function Action(OID: cardinal; Force: boolean): boolean;

OID - unique object identificator

Force - target with force (with Ctrl)

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CancelTarget Boolean Cancel target
function CancelTarget: boolean;
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Assist Boolean Target another object target
function Assist(Name: string): boolean;

Name - object name

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FindEnemy Boolean Search attacking enemy of object
function FindEnemy(var Enemy: TL2Live; Obj: TL2Live; Range: cardinal = 2000; ZLimit: cardinal = 300): boolean;

var Enemy - variable where enemy will be written
Obj - object
Range - maximal search distance (default - 2000)
ZLimit - limitation on difference in Z coordinate (default- 300)

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AutoTarget Boolean Acitvate automatical targeting
function AutoTarget(Range: cardinal = 2000; ZLimit: cardinal = 300; NotBusy: boolean = true): boolean;

Range - maximal distance to point (default - 2000)
ZLimit - limitation on difference in Z coordinate (default - 300)
NotBusy - search only free and in zone targets (default - yes)

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Ignore - Add object to bot ignoring list. AutoTarget and Pickup also skip that objects.
procedure Ignore(Obj: TL2Spawn);

Obj - object

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ClearIgnore - Clear list of ignoring by bot objects
procedure ClearIgnore;
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IsBusy Boolean Is NPC already attacked by another player
function IsBusy(Npc: TL2Npc): boolean;

Npc - NPC

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Name Result Description Code Params Examples
UseSkill Boolean Use skill
function UseSkill(Name: string; Force: boolean = false; Shift: boolean = false): boolean;
function UseSkill(ID: cardinal; Force: boolean = false; Shift: boolean = false): boolean;

Name - skill name
ID - skill identificator
Force - use with force (via Сtrl) (default - not)

Shift - use via Shift (default - not)

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DUseSkill Boolean Use skill. Without waiting for cast ending and server answer
function DUseSkill(ID: cardinal; Force, Shift: boolean): boolean;

ID - skill identificator
Force - use with force (via Сtrl)

Shift - use via Shift

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UseSkillGround Boolean Use skill on ground
function UseSkillGround(ID: cardinal; X, Y, Z: integer; Force: boolean = false; Shift: boolean = false): boolean;

ID - skill identificator

X, Y, Z - using point coordinates
Force - use with force (via Сtrl) (default - not)

Shift - use via Shift (default - not)

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StopCasting Boolean Interrupt skill cast
function StopCasting: boolean;
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Dispel Boolean Dispel buff
function Dispel(Name: string): boolean;
function Dispel(ID: cardinal): boolean;

Name - buff name

ID - buff identificator

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LearnSkill Boolean Learns skill
function LearnSkill(ID: cardinal): boolean;

ID - skill identificator

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UpdateSkillList Boolean Update skill list
function UpdateSkillList: boolean;
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Name Result Description Code Params Examples
UseItem Boolean Use item
function UseItem(Name: string; ByPet: boolean = false; Force: boolean = false): boolean;
function UseItem(ID: cardinal; ByPet: boolean = false; Force: boolean = false): boolean;
function UseItem(Obj: TL2Item; ByPet: boolean = false; Force: boolean = false): boolean;

Name - item name
ID - item identificator
Obj - item
ByPet - use via pet (default - not)

Force - use with force (via Ctrl) (default - not)

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UseItemOID Boolean Use item by unique idenfiticator
function UseItemOID(OID: cardinal; ByPet: boolean; Force: boolean): boolean;

OID - item unique identificator
WithPet - use via pet
Force - use with force (via Ctrl)

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DestroyItem Boolean Delete item
function DestroyItem(Name: string; Count: cardinal): boolean;
function DestroyItem(ID: integer; Count: cardinal): boolean;
function DestroyItem(Item: TL2Item; Count: cardinal): boolean;

Name - item name
ID - item identificator

Item - item
Count - item amount

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DropItem Boolean Drop item
function DropItem(ID, Count: cardinal; X, Y, Z: integer): boolean;

ID - item identificator
Count - item amount
X, Y, Z - coordinates

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MakeItem Boolean Craft item
function MakeItem(Index: сardinal): boolean;

Index - index number in crafting list (starting from 0)

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CrystalItem Boolean Cristalise item
function CrystalItem(ID: сardinal): boolean;
function CrystalItem(Item: TL2Item): boolean;

ID - item identificator

Item - item

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MoveItem Boolean Move item between user and pet
function MoveItem(Name: string; Count: cardinal; ToPet: boolean): boolean;

Name - item name
Count - item amount
ToPet - move to pet(true) or from pet(false)

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LoadItems Boolean Move items between user and warehouse
function LoadItems(ToWH: boolean; List: array of cardinal): boolean;

ToWH - deposit(true) or withdraw(false) 
List - list of items identificators and its amount - [Item1, ItemCount1, ItemID2, ItemCount2, ...]

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AutoSoulShot Boolean Enable / disable automatical shots using
function AutoSoulShot(Name: string; Active: boolean): boolean;

Name - shots name
Active - activate(true) or deactivate(false) using

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DAutoSoulShot Boolean Enable / disable automatical shots using. Without waiting for server answer.
function DAutoSoulShot(ID: cardinal; Active: boolean): boolean;

ID - shots identificator
Active - activate(true) or deactivate(false) using

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Equipped Integer Get equpped items count
function Equipped(Name: string): integer;

Name - item name

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Mates (pets / summons)

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
DismissPet Boolean Dismiss pet
function DismissPet: boolean;
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DismissSum Boolean Dismiss summon
function DismissSum: boolean;
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Social (group/party, clan, mentor)

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
Say Boolean Write message to game chat
function Say(Text: string; ChatType: cardinal; PlayerName: string): boolean;

Text - message text
ChatType - chat type (0 - regular, 1 - shout, 2 - private, 3 - group/party, 4 - clan, 8 - trade, 9 - ally, 10 - announcements, 17 - hero, 20 - command channel, 25 - world)

PlayerName - player name (for private chat)

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InviteParty Boolean Invite player to group/party
function InviteParty(Name: string; LootMode: TLootType = ldLooter): boolean;

Name - player name
LootMode - drop/items loot type (default - finder keepers). Drop/items loot types.

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DismissParty Boolean Dismiss player from group/party
function DismissParty(Name: string): boolean;

Name - player name

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JoinParty Boolean Answer to group/party invite
function JoinParty(Accept: boolean): boolean;

Accept - accept(true) invite or reject(false)

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LeaveParty Boolean Leave from party
function LeaveParty: boolean;
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SetPartyLeader Boolean Transfer group/party leader status
function SetPartyLeader(Name: string): boolean;

Name - player name

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GetMentor String Mentor name
function GetMentor: string;
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KickMentor Boolean Leave mentor
function KickMentor: boolean;
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CloseRoom Boolean Close group/party room
function CloseRoom: boolean;
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CreateRoom Boolean Create group/party room
function CreateRoom(Caption: string; MinLevel, MaxLevel: integer): boolean;

Caption - room caption
MinLevel, MaxLevel - minimal and maximal players level for room

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AutoAcceptClan - Activate automatical entry to clan
procedure AutoAcceptClan(PlayersList: string);

PlayersList - list of players names to accept clan invite - 'Vasya;Petya;Kolya;Egor'. When entered '*', user will accept clan invite from any player.

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AutoAcceptCC - Activate automatical entry to command channel
procedure AutoAcceptCC(PlayersList: string);

PlayersList - list of players names to accept invite - 'Vasya;Petya;Kolya;Egor'. When entered '*', user will accept invite from any player.

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AutoAcceptMentors - Activate automatical accept mentors
procedure AutoAcceptMentors(PlayersList: string);

PlayersList - list of players names to accept invite - 'Vasya;Petya;Kolya;Egor'. When entered '*', user will accept invite from any player.

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Name Result Description Code Params Examples
QuestStatus Boolean Quest stage
function QuestStatus(ID: сardinal): cardinal;
function QuestStatus(ID, Stage: cardinal): boolean;

ID - quest identificator 
Stage - quest stage

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CancelQuest Boolean Cancel quest
function CancelQuest(ID: integer): boolean;

ID - quest identificator

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OpenQuestion Boolean Opens quests "question mark"
function OpenQuestion: boolean;
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GetDailyItems Boolean Get daily items
function GetDailyItems: boolean;
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GetDailyItem Boolean Get one of the daily rewards
function GetDailyItem(ID: cardinal): boolean;

ID - reward/item identificator

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UpdateDailyList Boolean Update daily rewards list
function UpdateDailyList: boolean;
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Name Result Description Code Params Examples
DlgOpen Boolean Open dialog with target(NPC)
function DlgOpen(Timeout: cardinal = 5000): boolean;

Timeout - time of waiting for dialog opening (in ms, 1sec = 1000ms) (default - 5sec)

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DlgSel Boolean Select string of common dialog
function DlgSel(Caption: string; Timeout: integer = 1000): boolean;
function DlgSel(Index: integer; Timeout: integer = 1000): boolean;

Caption - dialog string text
Index - dialog index number (starting from 1)
Timeout - time of waiting for server answer (in ms, 1sec = 1000ms) (default - 1sec)

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BypassToServer Boolean Send command/bypass to server
function BypassToServer(Text: string): boolean;

Text - command/bypass text

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DlgText String Common dialog text
function DlgText: string;
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DlgTime Cardinal Last common dialog appearing time moment(GetTickCount) (in ms, 1sec = 1000ms)
function DlgTime: cardinal;
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CBText String Community Board / Alt+B dialog text
function CBText: string;
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CBTime Cardinal Last Community Board / Alt+B dialog appearing time moment(GetTickCount) (in ms, 1sec = 1000ms)
function CBTime: cardinal;
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HlpText String Help dialog text
function HlpText: string;
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HlpTime Cardinal Last help dialog appearing time moment(GetTickCount) (in ms, 1sec = 1000ms)
function HlpTime: cardinal;
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ConfirmDlg TConfirmDlg Dialog with accept ability
function ConfirmDlg: TConfirmDlg;
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ConfirmDialog Boolean Accept/reject dialog
function ConfirmDialog(Accept: boolean): boolean;

Accept - accept(true) or reject(false)

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Name Result Description Code Params Examples
OpenPrivateStore Boolean Open private store (selling / buying / crafting)
function OpenPrivateStore(List: array of cardinal; StoreType: byte; StoreCaption: string): boolean;

List - list of items identificators, its amount and prices - [Item1, ItemCount1, ItemPrice1, ItemID2, ItemCount2, ItemPrice2, ...]
StoreType - store type. Store types.
StoreCaption - store caption

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NpcTrade Boolean Buy / sell items to NPC
function NpcTrade(Sell: boolean; List: array of cardinal): boolean;

Sell - selling(true) / buying(false)

List - list of items identificators and its amount - [Item1, ItemCount1, ItemID2, ItemCount2, ...]

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NpcExchange Boolean Exchange items with NPC / dimensional merchant
function NpcExchange(IDorIndex, Count: cardinal; ByIndex: boolean = false): boolean;

IDorIndex - item identificator / index number
Count - item amount
ByIndex - use item index number(true) or identificator(false) (default - identificator)

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CastleTax Integer Town tax percentage
function CastleTax(TownID: cardinal): integer;

TownID - town identificator (1 - Gludio, 2 - Dion, 3 - Giran, 4 - Oren, 5 - Aden, ...)

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Name Result Description Code Params Examples
SendMail Boolean Send mail
function SendMail(Receiver: string; Topic: string; Text: string; ItemsList: array of cardinal; Price: cardinal = 0): boolean;

Receiver - mail receiver
Topic - mail topic
Text - mail text
ItemsList - list of attached items identificators and its amount - [Item1, ItemCount1, ItemID2, ItemCount2, ...]
Price - mail receiving price (default - free)

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GetMailItems Boolean Get mails
function GetMailItems(MaxLoad: cardinal = 65; MaxCount: cardinal = 1000): boolean;

MaxLoad - maximal user backpack loading (default - 65)
MaxCount - maximal items amount (default - 1000)

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ClearMail Boolean Clear mail
function ClearMail: boolean;
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Zone, time

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
GetZoneType TZoneType Current game zone type
function GetZoneType: TZoneType;
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GetZoneName String Get location name by coordinates
function GetZoneName(X, Y, Z: integer): string;

X, Y, Z - coordinates

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GetZoneID Cardinal Get location identificator by coordinates
function GetZoneID(X, Y, Z: integer): cardinal;

X, Y, Z - coordinates

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InZone Boolean Is object/point in zone configured on bot map
function InZone(Obj: TL2Spawn): boolean;
function InZone(X, Y, Z: integer): boolean;

Obj - object
X, Y, Z - point coordinates

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GameTime Cardinal Current game time (in min)
function GameTime: сardinal;
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IsDay Boolean Is day time in game
function IsDay: boolean;
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Account (status / login / logout)

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
Status TL2Status Account status
function Status: TL2Status;
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LoginStatus Integer Account login stage (-1 - off, 0 - client loading / login and password entering, 1 - EULA / server selecting, 2 - charecter selecting / in game)
function LoginStatus: integer;
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AuthLogin Boolean Enter account login and passowrd
function AuthLogin(Login, Password: string): boolean;

Login - account login

Password - account password

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GameStart Boolean Select character on character selection screen
function GameStart(CharIndex: integer = -1): boolean;

CharIndex - character index number (default - select last active character)

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Restart Boolean Logout to character selecting screen
function Restart: boolean;
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DRestart boolean Logout to character selecting screen. Wihout waiting for server answer.
function DRestart: boolean;
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CharSelectionInfo ^TCharSelectionInfo Информация о персонажах на панели выбора персонажей
function TL2Control.CharSelectionInfo: Pointer;
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Bot settings

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
FaceControl Boolean Activate/deactivate bot settings module
function FaceControl(ID: integer; Active: boolean): boolean;

ID - module identificator (0 - all, 1 - attack, 2 - heal, 3 - buff, 4 - events)
Active - activate(true) module or deactivate(false)

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GetFaceState Boolean Bot settings module state
function GetFaceState(ID: integer): boolean;

ID - module identificator (0 - all, 1 - attack, 2 - heal, 3 - buff, 4 - events)

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GetFaceSet Pointer Get pointer to structure/record of bot settings
function GetFaceSet(ID: integer): pointer;

ID - identificator

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UpdateCfg Boolean Update (reread) bot settings. Required after usage GetFaceSet.
function UpdateCfg(Wait: boolean): boolean;

Wait - wait for settings update and account loading

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LoadConfig Boolean Load bot settings from file
function LoadConfig(FilePath: string): boolean;

FilePath - full file path / file name from Settings folder

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LoadZone Boolean Load bot map zones settings from file
function LoadZone(FilePath: string): boolean;

FilePath - full file path / file name from Settings folder

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ClearZone - Clear zones on bot map
procedure ClearZone;
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SetPerform Boolean Set performance level for game client in the background ("background game")
function SetPerform(Level: cardinal): boolean;

Level - level (1-5, 1 - maximal performance, 5 - minimal performance) 

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SetMapKeepDist - Change distance that bot will retreat from hunting / map zones edges
procedure SetMapKeepDist(Dist: integer);

Dist - distance from edges

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Game client

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
GamePrint Boolean Write message to game chat. Visible only for user.
function GamePrint(Text: string; Author: string = ''; ChatType: integer = 0): boolean;

Text - message text
Author - message author (default - user)

ChatType - chat type (default - regular)

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GameClose Boolean Close game client
function GameClose: boolean;
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BlinkWindow Boolean Activate game client / Adrenaline window blinking on task panel
function BlinkWindow(Game: boolean): boolean;

Game - game client(true) or Adrenaline(false) window

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SetGameWindow Boolean Show / hide game client window
function SetGameWindow(Show: boolean): boolean;

Show - show(true) or hide(false)

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UseKey Boolean Press keyboard button in game client window
function UseKey(KeyName: string; Ctrl: boolean = false; Shift: boolean = false): boolean;
function UseKey(KeyCode: word; Ctrl: boolean = false; Shift: boolean = false): boolean;
function UseKey(KeyCode: word; DownUp: byte = 0): boolean;

KeyName - button name
KeyCode - button code. Buttons codes.
Ctrl, Shift - press Ctrl, Shift (default - not)
DownUp - pressing method (0 - press and release, 1 - press, 2 - release) (default - press and release)

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EnterText Boolean Type test in game client window
function EnterText(Text: string): boolean;

Text - text

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PostMessage Integer Send message to game client window. About PostMessage.
function PostMessage(Msg: cardinal; wParam, lParam: integer): integer;

Msg - message identificator
wParam, lParam - message parameters

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SendMessage Integer Send message to game client window. About SendMessage.
function SendMessage(Msg: cardinal; wParam, lParam: integer): integer;

Msg - message identificator
wParam, lParam - message parameters

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GamePath String Path to executive game client file. For example, to L2.exe
function GamePath: string;
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GameWindow Cardinal Game client window identificator/handle
function GameWindow: cardinal;
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GameHash Cardinal Game client hash
function GameHash: cardinal;
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GameProtocol Cardinal Game client protocol version
function GameProtocol: cardinal;
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GameVersion Cardinal Game client version
function GameVersion: cardinal;
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Game server

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
GetServerIP String Game server IP-address
function GetServerIP: string;
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GetServerName String Game server name. Only for official servers.
function GetServerName: string;
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GetServerID Cardinal Game server ID. Only for official servers.
function GetServerID: cardinal;
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IsClassicServer Boolean Is classic(L2 Classic) server
function IsClassicServer: boolean;
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ServerTime Cardinal Current server time (in min)
function ServerTime: сardinal;
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Adrenaline Bot window

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
Msg - Write message/log in Adrenaline interface
procedure Msg(Title, Text: string; Color: integer);

Title - message title
Text - message text
Color - message color code. Сolor codes.

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BlinkWindow Boolean Activate game client / Adrenaline window blinking on task panel
function BlinkWindow(Game: boolean): boolean;

Game - game client(true) or Adrenaline(false) window

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HKPauseScript - Activate / deactivate script controlling by hotkey(Ins)
procedure HKPauseScript(Enable: boolean);

Enable - activate(true) или deactivate(false)

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BotWindow Cardinal Adrenaline window identificator/handle
function BotWindow: cardinal;
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Network packets

Name Result Description Code Params Examples


Name Result Description Code Params Examples
WaitAction TL2Action Wait for event
function WaitAction(Action: TL2Action; var P1, P2: pointer; Timeout: cardinal = INFINITE): TL2Action;
function WaitAction(ActionList: array of TL2Action; var P1, P2: pointer; Timeout: cardinal = INFINITE): TL2Action;

Action - waiting event type. Event types.

ActionList - list of waiting event types - [EventType1, EventType2, ..]. Event types.
var P1, P2 - parameters, with own values for every event. Parameters description.
Timeout - time for event waiting (in ms, 1sec = 1000ms) (default - infinite)

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For interaction with other Adrenaline accounts

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
GetUser TL2User User character of account of this controller
function GetUser: TL2User;
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GetPetList TPetList List of user pets and summons of account of this controller
function GetPetList: TPetList;
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GetInventory TInventory Inventory of user character and pet of account of this controller
function GetInventory: TInventory;
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GetSkillList TSkillList Charater skills list of account of this controller
function GetSkillList: TSkillList;
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GetParty TParty Group/party of account of this controller
function GetParty: TParty;
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GetCharList TCharList List of players around character of account of this controller
function GetCharList: TCharList;
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GetNpcList TNpcList List of NPCs around character of account of this controller
function GetNpcList: TNpcList;
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GetDropList TDropList List of drop/items laying on the ground around character of account of this controller
function GetDropList: TDropList;
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GetWarehouse TL2Warehouse Warehouse (last opened) of account of this controller
function GetWareHouse: TL2Warehouse;
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GetAuction TL2Auction Auction (last opened) of account of this controller
function GetAuction: TL2Auction;
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GetChatMessage TChatMessage Last chat message of account of this controller
function GetChatMessage: TChatMessage;
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GetScript Pointer на TPaxEngine Pointer to script of account of this controller. Can be transformed to TPaxEngine.
function GetScript: pointer;
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Entry Boolean Call event OnEntry in script of this controller
function Entry(var Param): boolean;


var Param - transmittable parameter

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Имя Класс Description
Engine TL2Control Character/bot controller


Имя Результат Description
Methods.GetControl TL2Control Get another account controller by character name
Methods.GetControlByIndex TL2Control Get another account controller by index
TBot.Control TL2Control Account controller