General stats

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
Race Cardinal (TL2Race) Player race
function Race: cardinal;
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Sex Cardinal Player sex (0 - male, 1 - female)
function Sex: cardinal;
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ClassID Cardinal Player class identificator. Classes list.
function ClassID: cardinal;
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MainClass Cardinal Player main class identificator. Classes list.
function MainClass: cardinal;
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CP Cardinal Player CP number in percentages
function CP: cardinal;
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CurCP Cardinal Player CP number in units
function CurCP: cardinal;
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MaxCP Cardinal Player maximal CP number in units
function MaxCP: cardinal;
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Hero Boolean Is player hero
function Hero: boolean;
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Noble Boolean Is player noble
function Noble: boolean;
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Additional stats

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
Recom Cardinal Player recommendations number
function Recom: cardinal;
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Premium Boolean Is player has active premium account
function Premium: boolean;
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CubicCount Cardinal Players summoned cubics
function CubicCount: cardinal;
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LoadCrest Pointer Get player clan icon. Need to call only via MainProc.
function LoadCrest(Buffer: pointer): pointer;

Buffer - pointer to buffer, where icon will be written

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Name Result Description Code Params Examples
StoreType Byte (TStoreType) Player active store type
function StoreType: byte;
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MountType Byte Type of mount pet using by player (1 - dragon, 2 - wyvern, 3 - wolf)
function MountType: byte;
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Имя Класс Description
CharList TL2List из TL2Char List of players around character


Имя Результат Description
TParty.Leader TL2Char Group leader