Name Result Description Code Params Examples
Connect Boolean Connect to the ICQ server
function Connect(UIN : Cardinal; const Password : string; const Server : string = ''; Port : Word = 5190; TimeOut : Byte = 5): Boolean;

UIN - ICQ number for connect
const Password - ICQ password
const Server - ICQ server address
Port - server port
TimeOut - time to try to connect (sec)

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OnMessageRecv - Called when a message is received (Used in inherited classes to overlap - override)
procedure OnMessageRecv(Sender : TObject; Msg, UIN : string); virtual;

Sender - object-sender
Msg - message content
UIN - ICQ number of sender

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OnError - Called on error (Used in inherited classes to overlap - override)
procedure OnError(Sender : TObject; ErrorType : TErrorType; const ErrorMsg : string); virtual;

Sender - object-sender
ErrorType - error type
const ErrorMsg - error message content

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Disconnect - Disconnect from server
procedure Disconnect;
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Status Cardinal Current status (ONLINE = $00000000; INVISIBLE = $00000100; AWAY = $00000001; NA = $00000005; OFFLINE = $FFFFFFFF;)
property Status: Cardinal;
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OnUserOffline - Called when disconnecting a contact from your ICQ list from the server (Used in inherited classes to overlap - override)
procedure OnUserOffline(Sender : TObject; UIN : string); virtual;

Sender - object-sender
UIN - ICQ number of logged out contact

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Create - Class constructor
constructor Create;
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SendMessage - Send message
procedure SendMessage(UIN : Cardinal; const Msg : string);

UIN - ICQ number of receiver
const Msg - message content

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Destroy - Class destructor
destructor Destroy; override;
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OnServerDisconnect - Called if you have been disabled by the server (Used in inherited classes for overlap - override)
procedure OnServerDisconnect(Sender : TObject; Reason : LongInt; Description : string); virtual;

Sender - object-sender
Reason - code of reason
Description - text description of reason

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