The general logic of using GPS is as follows: you once (usually at the beginning of the script) load a map (a database of points with links — a graph) —and then you have the opportunity to move around the world using this map with just one line of code. Instead of huge canvases of code with a sequential call to Engine.MoveTo, you will have only one line of code in the script indicating the final coordinate.

The base of points is a graph - a list of points, some of which are connected, and some are not. Our character will run along it. It looks like this:

It is important to note that in the example below the movement implies only the foot, i.e. You cannot force a character to move from the conditional Dion to Giran using the GK.

uses SysUtils;

function GPS_MoveTo(x, y, z: integer): boolean;  overload;  // GPS coordinate movement
var dist: single;  i: integer;
  result:= false;
  // first we calculate the route between our current location and the point where we need
  // calling this function writes points to GPS.Items, and to dist we assign the length of the constructed route 
  dist:= GPS.GetPath(User.X, User.Y, User.Z, x, y, z);
  if (GPS.Count > 0) then begin   // if the route is built then
    Print(Format('[GPS] Run to the point (x=%d, y=%d, z=%d), distance: %n m, %d points total', [x, y, z, dist, GPS.Count]));

    // for each point of the constructed route...
    for i:= 0 to GPS.Count-1 do begin
      // check exceptional situations, and if something is interrupted by the movement, you can add your conditions
      if (User.Dead) then begin
        Print('[GPS] Died while moving...');

      // we try to move to the next point of the route, and if we fail, we can take some measures
      if (not Engine.MoveTo(Round(GPS.Items(i).X), Round(GPS.Items(i).Y), Round(GPS.Items(i).Z))) then begin                                                         
        Print(Format('[GPS] Error when moving to a point #%d (x=%d, y=%d, z=%d)', [i, x, y, z]));
        // here you can try to move to the previous point, or use SOE and restart the script
    result:= Engine.MoveTo(x, y, z) or (User.DistTo(x, y, z) < 150);
  end else Print('[GPS] Could not find the desired route');   // if the route is not built, then we write about it

function GPS_MoveTo(spot_name: string): boolean;  overload;  // GPS movement by point name
var dist: single;  i, last: integer;
  result:= false;
  // the only difference between this function and the previous one is only in calling another function to build a route
  dist:= GPS.GetPathByName(User.X, User.Y, User.Z, spot_name);     
  if (GPS.Count > 0) then begin
    Print(Format('[GPS] Run to the point <%s>, distance: %d m, %d points total', [spot_name, dist, GPS.Count]));
    for i:= 0 to GPS.Count-1 do begin
      if (User.Dead) then begin
        Print('[GPS] Died while moving...');
      if (not Engine.MoveTo(Round(GPS.Items(i).X), Round(GPS.Items(i).Y), Round(GPS.Items(i).Z))) then begin                                                         
        Print(Format('[GPS] Error when moving to a point #%d (x=%d, y=%d, z=%d)', [i, GPS.Items(i).X, GPS.Items(i).Y, GPS.Items(i).Z]));
        // here you can try to move to the previous point, or use SOE and restart the script
    last:= GPS.Count-1;
    result:= Engine.MoveTo(Round(GPS.Items(last).X), Round(GPS.Items(last).Y), Round(GPS.Items(last).Z))
             or (User.DistTo(Round(GPS.Items(last).X), Round(GPS.Items(last).Y), Round(GPS.Items(last).Z)) < 150);
  end else Print('[GPS] Could not find the desired route');  

procedure GPS_LoadMap(path: string);   // wrap function for loading GPS maps
var count: integer;
  if FileExists(path) then begin
    count:= GPS.LoadBase(path);
    Print('[GPS] Loaded: '+IntToStr(count)+' points');
  end else begin
    Print('[GPS] Could not find the map! Stop script');
    Print('[GPS] Check its availability: '+path);

  GPS_LoadMap(ExePath+'\gps_map.db3');  // Load the map during the initialization of the script
  // code..

  // and further in the code we call the necessary conditions
  GPS_MoveTo(-91036, 248044, -3560);
  // или
