General stats

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
STR Cardinal User STR stat
function STR: cardinal;
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DEX Cardinal User DEX stat
function DEX: cardinal;
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CON Cardinal User CON stat
function CON: cardinal;
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INT Cardinal User INT stat
function INT: cardinal;
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WIT Cardinal User WIT stat
function WIT: cardinal;
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MEN Cardinal User MEN stat
function MEN: cardinal;
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PAtk Cardinal User physical attack power
function PAtk: cardinal;
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MAtk Cardinal User magical attack power
function MAtk: cardinal;
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PDef Cardinal User physical defense
function PDef: cardinal;
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MDef Cardinal User magical defense
function MDef: cardinal;
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Accuracy Cardinal User physical attack accuracy
function Accuracy: cardinal;
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MAccuracy Cardinal User magical attacks accuracy
function MAccuracy: cardinal;
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Evasion Cardinal User evesion from physical attacks
function Evasion: cardinal;
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MEvasioon Cardinal User evasion from magical attacks
function MEvasioon: cardinal;
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CritHit Cardinal User physical critical attack chance
function CritHit: cardinal;
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MCritical Cardinal User magical critical attack chance
function MCritical: cardinal;
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Additional stats

Name Result Description Code Params Examples
CanCryst Boolean Can user crystallize items
function CanCryst: boolean;
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Charges Cardinal User charges number
function Charges: cardinal;
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Souls Cardinal User souls number. For kamael race.
function Souls: cardinal;
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WeightPenalty Cardinal User backpage overload penalty
function WeightPenalty: cardinal;
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DeathPenalty Cardinal User death penalty
function DeathPenalty: cardinal;
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ArmorPenalty Cardinal User penalty for wearing higher grade armor
function ArmorPenalty: cardinal;
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WeapPenalty Cardinal User penalty for wearing higher grade weapon
function WeapPenalty: cardinal;
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Имя Класс Description
User TL2User User character


Имя Результат Description
TL2Control.GetUser TL2User User character of account of this controller