Name Result Description Code Params Examples
Connect -
procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); override;
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Listen -
procedure Listen; override;
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WaitingData Integer
function WaitingData: Integer; override;
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SendBuffer Integer
function SendBuffer(Buffer: pointer; Len: integer): Integer; override;
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Accept Integer
function Accept: Integer; override;
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RecvBuffer Integer
function RecvBuffer(Buffer: pointer; Len: integer; Timeout: integer): Integer; virtual;
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SendByte -
procedure SendByte(Data: byte); virtual;
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RecvByte Byte
function RecvByte(Timeout: integer): Byte; virtual;
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SendString -
procedure SendString(Data: ansistring); virtual;
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SendInteger -
procedure SendInteger(Data: integer); virtual;
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Create - Class constructor
constructor Create;
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CloseSocket -
procedure CloseSocket; override;
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RecvString AnsiString
function RecvString(Timeout: integer): AnsiString; virtual;
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RecvInteger Integer
function RecvInteger(Timeout: integer): Integer;
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LastError Integer
property LastError: Integer;
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Destroy - Class destructor
destructor Destroy; override;
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