Name Values Description Code Values Examples
TL2Action laNull, laSpawn, laDelete, laPetSpawn, laPetDelete, laPetJoin,тlaPetLeave, laCharJoin, laInvite, laDie, laRevive, laMyRevive, laStats,тlaMyTarget, laMyUnTarget, laTarget, laUnTarget, laInGame, laBuffs, laPartyBuffs, laSkills, laConfirmDlg, laDlg, laSysMsg, laMoveType, laWaitType, laMyWaitType, laStart, laStop, laStartAttack, laStopAttack, laCast, laCancelCast, laMyCancelCast, laCastFailed, laMyCastFailed, laTeleport, laInvUpdate, laAutoSoulShot, laNpcTrade, laChat, laKey, laCharSelect... Actions types
TL2Action = (laNull = 0, laSpawn = 1, laDelete = 2, laPetSpawn = 3, laPetDelete = 4, laPetJoin = 5, 
laPetLeave = 6, laCharJoin = 7, laInvite = 8, laDie = 9, laRevive = 10, laMyRevive = 11, laStats = 12, 
laMyTarget = 13, laMyUnTarget = 14, laTarget = 15, laUnTarget = 16, laInGame = 17, laBuffs = 18, 
laPartyBuffs = 19, laSkills = 20, laConfirmDlg = 21, laDlg = 22, laSysMsg = 23, laMoveType = 24, 
laWaitType = 25, laMyWaitType = 26, laStart = 27, laStop = 28, laStartAttack = 29, laStopAttack = 30, 
laCast = 31, laCancelCast = 32, laMyCancelCast = 33, laCastFailed = 34, laMyCastFailed = 35, 
laTeleport = 36, laInvUpdate = 37, laAutoSoulShot = 38, laNpcTrade = 39, laChat = 40, laKey = 41, 
laCharSelect = 42, laLeaveParty = 43, laPost = 44, laLearn = 45, laAll = 46, laMyCast = 47, 
laDelay = 48, laStatus = 49, laAuction = 50, laAuctionSL = 51, atCaptcha = 52, atMail = 53, 
atTaxRate = 54, laLoginState = 55);

laNull - event was not happen
laAll - some event was happen


laStatus - account status changed. P1 - account status (TL2Status).
laCharSelect - user moved to character selection screen.
laInGame - user entered the game


laSpawn - object appeared/spawned. P1 - object (TL2Spawn).
laDelete - object disappeared/lost. P1 - object unique identificator (cardinal).
laPetSpawn - object got/summoned mate. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laPetDelete - mate disappeared/lost. P1 - object unique identificator (cardinal).


laDie - object dead. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laRevive - object resurrected. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laMyRevive - user resurrected. P1 - user (TL2User).


laCharJoin - player joined to group/party
laInvite - player invited user to group/party. P1 - player name (string).
laLeaveParty - user leaved from group/party


laStart - object started moving. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laStop - object stoped moving. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laStartAttack - object entered combat stance. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laStopAttack - object came out of combat stance. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laMoveType -  player changed movement mode(walking/running). P1 - player (TL2Char).
laWaitType - player changed state(sitting/standing). P1 - player (TL2Char).
laMyWaitType - user changed state(sitting/standing). P1 - user (TL2User).


laTarget - object changed target. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laUnTarget - object lost target. P1 - object (TL2Live).

laMyTarget - user changed target to object. P1 - user (TL2User). P2 - object (TL2Live).
laMyUnTarget - user lost target. P1 - user (TL2User).


laCast - object started casting. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laCancelCast - object canceled casting. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laMyCancelCast - user canceled casting. P1 - user (TL2User).
laCastFailed - object cast interrupted. P1 - obejct (TL2Live). 
laBuffs - object got buff. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laPartyBuffs - user mate or group/party object got buff. P1 - mate/object (TL2Live).
laLearn - user learned skill. P1 - skill identificator (cardinal).


laDlg - dialog appeared
laConfirmDlg - dialog with confirmation ability appeared. P1 - dialog (TConfirmDlg).
laNpcTrade - trade dialog with NPC appeared
laChat - chat message appeared. P1 - chat message (TChatMessage).
laSysMsg - system message appeared. P1 - message identificator (cardinal), P2 - message data (TMemoryStream).
laPost - used sent mail

laInvUpdate - user inventory changed. P1 - item (TL2Item). P2 - type of change (1 - appearing, 2 - state changing, 3 - disappearing) (cardinal).

laStats - object stat changed. P1 - object (TL2Live). P2 - stat identificator (cardinal).

laTeleport - user teleported. P2 - teleportation distance (cardinal).

laAutoSoulShot - automatical using of shots activated/deactivated
laAuction - auction items list appeared


laKey - user pressed keyboard button. P1 - button code (cardinal).
atCaptcha - captcha-image apeeared. P1 - captcha data (TMemoryStream). P2 - captcha identificator (int64).

laPetLeave -
laDelay -
laAuctionSL -
atMail -
atTaxRate -

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TL2Status lsOff, lsOffline, lsOnline Accounts statuses
TL2Status = (lsOff, lsOffline, lsOnline);

lsOff - off (game client isn't runned)
lsOffline - out of game (screen of login / server selecting / character selecting) 
lsOnline - in game

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TL2Class lcError, lcDrop, lcNpc, lcChar, lcBuff. lcItem Game objects types
TL2Class = (lcError = 0, lcDrop = 1, lcNpc = 2, lcChar = 4, lcBuff = 6, lcItem = 8);

lcError - unknown
lcDrop - ,drop/items laying on the ground
lcNpc - NPC
lcChar - player
lcBuff -  skill / buff
lcItem - item

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TL2Race rtHuman, rtElf, rtDarkElf, rtOrc, rtDwarf, rtKamael, rtErthea, rtUnknown Players races
TL2Race = (rtHuman, rtElf, rtDarkElf, rtOrc, rtDwarf, rtKamael, rtErthea, rtUnknown);

rtHuman - human
rtElf - elf
rtDarkElf - dark elf
rtOrc - orc
rtDwarf - dwarf
rtKamael - kamael
rtErthea - ertheia
rtUnknown - unknown

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TStoreType stNone, stSell, stPrepareSell, stBuy, stPrepareBuy, stManufacture, stPrepareManufacture, stObservingGames, stSellPackage Private stores types
TStoreType = (stNone, stSell, stPrepareSell, stBuy, stPrepareBuy, stManufacture, stPrepareManufacture, stObservingGames, stSellPackage);

stNone - none
stSell - selling
stPrepareSell - selling preparing
stBuy - buying
stPrepareBuy - buying preparing
stManufacture - crafting
stPrepareManufacture - crafting preparing
stObservingGames - watching games
stSellPackage - selling package

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TZoneType ztGeneral, ztPeace, ztPvP, ztSiege, ztSevenSigns, ztAlt, ztUnknown Game zones types
TZoneType = (ztGeneral, ztPeace, ztPvP, ztSiege, ztSevenSigns, ztAlt, ztUnknown);

ztGeneral - general
ztPeace - peace

ztPvP - combat
ztSiege - siege
ztSevenSigns - seven sings
ztAlt - another
ztUnknown - unknown

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TRestartType rtTown, rtClanHall, rtCastle, rtFort, rtFlags Return methods after death
TRestartType = (rtTown, rtClanHall, rtCastle, rtFort, rtFlags);

rtTown - to village
rtClanHall - to clan hall
rtCastle - to castle
rtFort - to fortress
rtFlags - to flag

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TLootType ldLooter, ldRandom, ldRandomSpoil, ldOrder, ldOrderSpoil Group/party drop/items loot types
TLootType = (ldLooter, ldRandom, ldRandomSpoil, ldOrder);

ldLooter - finder keepers
ldRandom - random 
ldRandomSpoil - random including spoil
ldOrder - by turn

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TMessageType mtSystem, mtAll, mtPrivate, mtParty, mtClan, mtFriend, mtShout Game chats types
TMessageType = (mtSystem, mtAll, mtPrivate, mtParty, mtClan, mtFriend, mtShout);

mtAll - general
mtSystem - system
mtPrivate - private
mtParty - group/party
mtClan - clan
mtFriend - friend
mtShout - shout

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TScriptStatus ssStopped, ssCompile, ssRunning, ssPause Scripts statuses
TScriptStatus = (ssStopped, ssCompile, ssRunning, ssPause);

ssStopped - stopped

ssCompile - compiling

ssRunning - working

ssPause - paused

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Имя Результат Description
TPaxEngine.Status TScriptStatus Script status
TL2Char.Race Cardinal (TL2Race) Player race
TL2Control.GetZoneType TZoneType Current game zone type
TL2Control.Status TL2Status Account status
TChatMessage.ChatType TMessageType Chat type
TL2Char.StoreType Byte (TStoreType) Player active store type
TL2Control.WaitAction TL2Action Wait for event
TParty.LootType TLootType Group looting type
TL2Object.L2Class TL2Class Object type