Name | Values | Description | Code | Values | Examples |
TL2Action | laNull, laSpawn, laDelete, laPetSpawn, laPetDelete, laPetJoin,тlaPetLeave, laCharJoin, laInvite, laDie, laRevive, laMyRevive, laStats,тlaMyTarget, laMyUnTarget, laTarget, laUnTarget, laInGame, laBuffs, laPartyBuffs, laSkills, laConfirmDlg, laDlg, laSysMsg, laMoveType, laWaitType, laMyWaitType, laStart, laStop, laStartAttack, laStopAttack, laCast, laCancelCast, laMyCancelCast, laCastFailed, laMyCastFailed, laTeleport, laInvUpdate, laAutoSoulShot, laNpcTrade, laChat, laKey, laCharSelect... | Actions types |
laNull - event was not happen
laStatus - account status changed. P1 - account status (TL2Status).
laSpawn - object appeared/spawned. P1 - object (TL2Spawn).
laDie - object dead. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laCharJoin - player joined to group/party
laStart - object started moving. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laTarget - object changed target. P1 - object (TL2Live). laMyTarget - user changed target to object. P1 - user (TL2User). P2 - object (TL2Live).
laCast - object started casting. P1 - object (TL2Live).
laDlg - dialog appeared
laStats - object stat changed. P1 - object (TL2Live). P2 - stat identificator (cardinal). laTeleport - user teleported. P2 - teleportation distance (cardinal). laAutoSoulShot - automatical using of shots activated/deactivated
laKey - user pressed keyboard button. P1 - button code (cardinal).
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TL2Status | lsOff, lsOffline, lsOnline | Accounts statuses |
lsOff - off (game client isn't runned) |
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TL2Class | lcError, lcDrop, lcNpc, lcChar, lcBuff. lcItem | Game objects types |
lcError - unknown |
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TL2Race | rtHuman, rtElf, rtDarkElf, rtOrc, rtDwarf, rtKamael, rtErthea, rtUnknown | Players races |
rtHuman - human |
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TStoreType | stNone, stSell, stPrepareSell, stBuy, stPrepareBuy, stManufacture, stPrepareManufacture, stObservingGames, stSellPackage | Private stores types |
stNone - none |
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TZoneType | ztGeneral, ztPeace, ztPvP, ztSiege, ztSevenSigns, ztAlt, ztUnknown | Game zones types |
ztGeneral - general ztPvP - combat |
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TRestartType | rtTown, rtClanHall, rtCastle, rtFort, rtFlags | Return methods after death |
rtTown - to village |
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TLootType | ldLooter, ldRandom, ldRandomSpoil, ldOrder, ldOrderSpoil | Group/party drop/items loot types |
ldLooter - finder keepers |
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TMessageType | mtSystem, mtAll, mtPrivate, mtParty, mtClan, mtFriend, mtShout | Game chats types |
mtAll - general |
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TScriptStatus | ssStopped, ssCompile, ssRunning, ssPause | Scripts statuses |
ssStopped - stopped ssCompile - compiling ssRunning - working ssPause - paused |
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Имя | Результат | Description |
TPaxEngine.Status | TScriptStatus | Script status |
TL2Char.Race | Cardinal (TL2Race) | Player race |
TL2Control.GetZoneType | TZoneType | Current game zone type |
TL2Control.Status | TL2Status | Account status |
TChatMessage.ChatType | TMessageType | Chat type |
TL2Char.StoreType | Byte (TStoreType) | Player active store type |
TL2Control.WaitAction | TL2Action | Wait for event |
TParty.LootType | TLootType | Group looting type |
TL2Object.L2Class | TL2Class | Object type |