Setting up Reaction to Events in Adrenaline bot
In this instruction we will take a closer look at "Events" tab in the Adrenaline bot interface. The settings of this tab determine how your bot will react to various ingame situations: detection of players or being attacked by them, sudden buff dispell or appearance, disconnect, captcha, messages from other players and many others. The bot can also react in different ways - play a sound, open or close the game window, use item, skill or command, write to the chat - and that's not all.
Pay attention to these settings, because they can help you to save your character from being blocked in case of checks.
The first thing we see is a table that displays a list of various events, as well as their settings. In the first column - the type and conditions of the event, in the second - actions that should be taken.
Below the table are the settings for the selected element in the table, as well as buttons for adding and removing list elements. If you suddenly want to change the order of the element in the list, just drag it with the mouse.
The settings can be divided into two sections: the type of event and its conditions are selected on the left and on the right - the actions and reactions of the character to this event.
By the way, you can configure several events of the same type, with different conditions and actions.
Actions on events
Let's take a look at Actions section first.
It is divided into 2 subsections: Run - with basic reaction settings and Additionally - with character's ingame actions.
It should be noted that the list of available actions is the same for all types of events.
You can simultaneously include several actions. There are no restrictions in this regard.
Let's start with Run subsection:
Sound - when this option is activated, a sound notification will be played. The field contains euther the absolute path to the sound file, or only the file name (with the format), if it is located in the Sounds bot folder. For the convenience of setting, you can double-click on the field to open a window and select a file. To the right is the Play button for playing and checking the selected sound. Sound notification paired with wireless headset or speakers will let you know about the event, even when you are away from your PC.
Blink bot / game window on the taskbar - if you enable this checkbox, the bot or game window will be highlighted on the taskbar. Allows you to immediately see the specific game window on which the event occured.
Open bot / game - the bot or game window will be maximized and will appear right before your eyes. It will help you to take the necessary measures quickly.
Compulsory leave the game - when this option is enabled, the game window will be instantly closed. On some servers, the character may still be online for a while (no carrier). For example, your character has reached the required level and you no longer need it to be in the game. We do not recommend closing the game client when you are getting checked - this will only increase suspicions towards you, and will not save the character from ban.
Pause activity for - if you use this setting, the bot will stop performing any actions (attack, rebuff, drop pickup, etc.) for the specified number of seconds. For example, sudden lost of a weapon from your hand can mean a check from the Bot Hunter and it is better to pause the bot. You can enable the check box Fight off chasing monsters and the bot will resume its work for a while if it's being attacked.
Fight off mobs and log off to char sel. - the bot will deal with all the attackers and then go to the character selection panel. Can be used, for example, when players are detected in line of sight to prevent them from checking or killing you.
If the Log in the game option is activated, the bot will enter the game after the specified number of seconds.
Time of activating - this setting determines the interval with which the actions on the event will be triggered. This is true for events that are triggered until you take action on your own - for example, if the character has no shots.
Now let's move to Additionally subsection:
Answer by phrase from list - the character will write one of the listed phrases in the general chat in random order. The number of phrases is not limited, they are separated by commas or semicolons - so we recommend to enter as many phrases as possible so that they are less often repeated. For example, if another player attacks you, you can pause the activity for 10 seconds and write an indignant message, while setting a higher Time of activating so as not to write to the chat after each hit you receive.
Item - if this checkbox is enabled, the character will use the selected item. For example, if a character isn't gaining any experience for a long time, perhaps it is stuck somewhere and it is worth using the "Scroll of Escape".
Skill - if this option is activated, the character will use the selected skill. It is useful, for example, on private servers when adena accumulates it needs to be exchanged for a special game currency.
Command - if this checkbox is enabled, the bot will type a command to the chat. It can be /unstuck
to return to the town and /dance
to ward off suspicion with a dance and some special commands of private servers.
Sit - the bot will sit on the ground if the event is occured.
Pause before use - here you can specify a random delay before the bot uses the configured actions in this subsection. The immediate reaction is suspicious, as we know.
This concludes the list of possible actions for events.
Events types
Now let's look at the section on the left:
Event - in this drop-down list we select the type of event to which the bot should react.
More detailed settings will appear below for most events.
Let's work through each type:
Disconnected - triggers when the character disconnects from the game server, when the game clients crashes or closes unexpectedly, server got restarted, problems with the Internet occur or account has been banned.
There are no additional settings.
By the way, we have a Boxer script on our website that will help you conveniently manage your accounts, automatically reboot them upon disconnections and crashes and will also offer other useful functions. Though it works only on private servers. There is a similar program for the official servers - Asi Win, which can also change HWID and IP.
Player detected
Player detected - triggers when players are detected in configured zone, as well as GMs without the invisibility effect. Players are always a potential danger, because they can attack you or make a video that shows that you are using a bot. Therefore, it is worth being vigilant when they are nearby and this event will help with such matter.
Available settings:
Nickname / clan filter - when this option is activated, the event will be triggered by all players, except for those which nickname or clan are indicated in the field below. These can be nicknames or clans of your friends and allies. For the convenience of setting, you can double-click on the field to open the list of visible players, select the necessary ones and add them to the list. The quantity is not limited, names are separated by semicolons.
If you change the filter function to Search only those who are in list, the event, on the contrary, will react only to those you have listed. You can enter, for example, nicknames and clans of wars in the field.
Ignore player filter if player PK / PvP - if this option is enabled and the player has a PK (red) or PvP (purple) status, the event will be triggered regardless of the settings of the Nickname / clan filter option.
Don't mention party members - the event will not react to party members.
Search only PK/PvP - when these parameters are activated, the event will only trigger by players with PK or PvP status.
Combat zone - this section defines the zone in which the search for players will be conducted. If the player is outside this area, the event will not trigger because of him in any case.
Combat zone - this is the zone in which our character is farming, i.e which you configured in the "Combat zone" tab.
Around me - when this option is selected, the event will be triggered by players whose distance from the character is no more than the specified one in the Radius setting, as well as the the difference in height between our character and the player is no more than the value entered in the Z-limit setting.
Around point - the option is similar to the previous one, though the Radius and Z-Limit will be checked relative to the point we have configured (its coordinates - X,Y,Z). You can click on Cur. (Current) button and the current coordinates will be entered.
Attacked by player
Attacked by player - triggers when another player attacks you.
We have already discussed almost all settings when considered the previous option.
Additional conditions - in this drop-down list you can set up some condition for CP/HP/MP of your character. For example, set the CP <(less) 30% so that the event is triggered not only by a hit but also when CP is low.
[CP / HP / MP] status
[CP / HP / MP] status - triggers when the conditions you have configured regarding the state of your character, pet or summon are met.
Possible conditions are similar to those present on the "Self heal" tab. We have already published a separate instruction about it.
It is worth noting that if you configure several conditions, then for the event to be triggered, they must all be met simultaneously. If you need a reaction to at least one of the conditions, then simply add several events of this type to the list and specify one condition for each. Be careful when you setting the conditions, they must not contradict each other, otherwise the event will not be triggered at all!
Items - triggers when items appear or are lacking in the inventory of a character or pet, when the character has weight penalty, when a drop is detected or other conditions that need to be configured are met. For example, you can configure the reaction to the lack of arrows or the accumulation of a sufficient amount of farmed resources.
Available settings:
Item name - in this drop-down list you need to select the name of the item from those present in your inventory. Please note that the bot has its own database and the names may differ from those you see in game. You can also enter the name manually.
or ID - if it is inconvenient for you to enter the name, enter the identifier of an item.
Items - you need to select where the item will be searched for by using the checkboxes - in the character's inventory, in the pet's inventory or on the ground among the drop. You can include either one search location or all of them.
Please note that when the Drop option is activated, the settings for the search area appear below. We already discussed them in detail when we talked about the Player detected type of events.
Amount - and here the condition for the amount of the item is selected at which the event should be triggered. For example, =(equal to) 0 or >(more) 700.
You can also set up conditions for load of the character's inventory, as a percantage by weight or in the number of occupied cells in inventory. The event will be triggered by these two conditions regardless of the settings above.
Dead - triggers when a character/his pet/party members die or someone from the configured list of characters. For the convenience of setting, you can double-click on the field to open a list of nearby players and add the ones you need. Among them may be the leader of your clan or, on the contrary, one of the important enemies.
For the option Dead in party you should specify the minimum number of dead party members for the event to trigger, for example, only if 5 people in the party are already dead.
It is worth noting that you can choose only one of the options. For example, to react to the death of several party members and the death of a character from the list, you need to add two separate events to the list.
Chat - triggers when players write chat messages.
We have already discussed many of the settings presented here when we've talked about the Player detected type.
Only those who are visible in zone - when this option is enabled, the event will be triggered only by messages that were sent by players in the zone configured below. This allows, for example, to respond only to nearby players.
Main chat and PM - these checkboxes are responsible for the chat categories. When the Main chat option is enaled, only general chat messages (white) will be taken into consideration. And in the case of PM - only private chat (purple). By default, the event reacts to messages in general chat, shout, whisper and party.
EXP - triggers when the required level and/or percantage is reached or vice versam if there is no changes in the percentage of experience within the specified number of seconds. The options can be activated both together and separately.
Perhaps you will be interested - the script for the farm Hunter presented on our website can automatically change the hunting zones depending on the character's level and other conditions. In general, it has a lot of cool setting for "afk" farming. Try it, it's free.
NPC - triggers when NPCs or mobs are detected in the configured zone.
Mention Name / ID - when this option is activated, the event will only be triggered by mobs or NPCs, which names or indentifiers are specified in the field below. Separated with semicolons. For the convenience of setting, double-click will help again.
Mention title - accordingly with this checkbox, mobs and NPCs will be ignored if they do not have the specified title. Works regardless of the Mention Name / ID option. For example, this way you can quickly set up a reaction only to quest NPCs or raid bosses.
Attacking mobs more then - this option triggers the event if more than the specified number of mobs are attacking you. Can be used only in conjuction with one of the settings above.
Combat zone - this block defines the zone in which the search for mobs and NPCs will be conducted. We have already discussed its setting in the Player detected type.
Buffs - triggers when buffs are applied to your character/party members or your current target or when buffs are dispelled from a character or party members.
By default, the event is triggered for all buffs but you can customize the exception lists. The names of buffs are separated by semicolons. It is also convenient to double-click on the field to open the list of buffs and select the ones you need.
Often, when GMs are checking you, they apply or dispell various buffs, trying to catch you on the rebuff. You can customize the reaction to the appearance of the extraneous buffs by indicating all your possible buffs in the exceptions, as well as reaction to the buffs dispell - it is better to specify buffs with cooldown, that you cannot immediately rebuff.
Teleport - triggers when your character/current target or party members are teleported. Teleportation is also often used by GMs while checking you, observing your reactions after the tp.
Radius more then - this parameter specifies the minimum teleportation distance at which the event should be triggered. If you enter here, for example, 5000, then the reaction will only occur to distant teleports, to other locations. We recommend leaving the default value of 100.
Equipment - triggers when some equipment is removed from your character. For example, a GM can disarm you and ban you if you keep hitting mobs unarmed for a long time. As with Buffs, you can add items to the exception list that you yourself regularly remove or change.
Group - triggers, for example, when party members or our off-party characters leave the game.
If players from the list are not found - when this option is activated, the event will be triggered if one of the players listed in the field below is missing in the Combat zone. By double-clicking on the field, you can quickly add the desired characters.
If in group less then - the event will react if there are less than the specified number of people in the party. You can use the Alive players option, and when counting party members, the characters present in the list of bot accounts on your PC will not be taken into account.
Group [CP / HP / MP]
Group [CP / HP / MP] - triggers when the conditions you have configured regarding the state of your party members or off-party characters are met.
Settings for players from list - you can activate this option and enter the nicknames of the players in the field below. These can be either your party members or off-party characters from the list of bot accounts on your PC. The bot will not be able to get information about the character's state in other cases. Nicknames are separated by semicolons. Convenient setting is available by double-clicking on the field.
The conditions for the state of the specified characters are selected below. Thus you can, for example, receive a notification that your off-party characters have been attacked by mobs.
If X mb group - the event will be triggered, if the configured condition for entered number of party members is met simultaneously. For example, if 3 party members are dead.
Captcha / dialogues
Captcha / dialogues - triggers when capthas or important dialogues appear.
Detect captcha image only - when this option is activated, the event will be triggered only by captchas or dialogues with a picture.
The minimum picture size is specified in Image size > option. Size is the number of pixels in a picture, i.e. width times height.
Select any word from captcha dialogue - if this option is enabled, the event will be triggered by text captchas or dialogs containing the keywords specified in the field below. Words are separated by commas.
Combat zone - the event will not be triggered if the character is outside the zone configured below. We've already discussed zone configuration in the Player detected type.
Please note that the event may not trigger to all captchas.
To recognize and even automatically solve captchas, we recommend using a special Anti Captcha script, which you can find on our website in the scripts catalog.
Target is killed
Target is killed - triggers when targeted mobs or NPCs die (if their names are listed in the field below, separated by semicolons). A quick double-click setup is available.
The target was not killed by me - when this option is activated, the event will be triggered only if the target was killed not by your character or party members.
You also need to configure the Combat zone. If a mob or RB dies outside of this zone, the event will not be triggered. We talked about zone setup earlier in the Player detected type.
Phew, so we covered all types of events, their settings and possible reactions.
Now we'll show you how it all works with a simple example.
Select the Disconnected type. Add the event to the list and click on it. Activate Sound by selecting the siren file to hear it from another room. We will also enable the Blink the game window on the taskbar option to quickly understand which account has a problem. We will set the Time of activating to 60 seconds, so that the sound doest not drive you crazy. All other options are not required in this case.
Suddenly, our internet connection was interrupted and the character got disconnected. The result is obvious - the siren is playing and the window is blinking!