Setting up Drop's Pick Up in Adrenaline bot
In this video we will take a closer look at "Drop" tab in the Adrenaline bot interface. The settings of this tab determine how your bot will pick up drop - which items should be given priority when pick up, and which ones, on the contrary, to ignore or even to delete.
We can see 2 sections at the top - "General" and "Filter". Let's talk about general settings first, and we'll move on to filters later.
Pick up in radius: this setting enables or disables the pickup of the drop by the bot and also determines the maximum distance from the bot to the drop. The drop outside this radius will be ignored. Disabling the pickup can be useful on server with auto-loot or for PvP.
Z limit: the maximum difference in height between the bot and the drop is indicated here. For example, this option can be useful if the bot is farming in the Tower of Insolence. If you do not adjust the height limit, then the bot can run to pick up drop on another floor, which will cause problems.
Only mine: when this option is activated, the bot will only pick up drop from those mobs that it itself or someone from its party killed. In most cases, it is advicable to enable this setting, otherwise the bot will pick up drop intentionally thrown by other players nearby, as well as try to pick up drop from the mobs of other players and will stand still for a long time, because someone else's drop cannot be picked up immediately. All of this can be suspicious. However, when you are farming in a crowded location, it may look strange if your character picks up only your own drop in a heap of other drop - so use the setting according to the situation and your discretion.
In combat zone: with this option, the bot will pick up drop inside the combat zone configured in the "Сombat zone" tab, if an attack outside this zone is allowed.
Ignore bad items: when this setting is enabled, the bot will check for the presence of a drop in its database and ignore it if it's absent. The special invisible drop (so-called anchors) is created on some servers and it can be picked up only by a bot. Upon picking up such a drop, the character can be insta banned.
Time-out: this is the time (in seconds) during which the bot will try to pick up an item from the ground. If he has failed for any reason, he will skip it and go to pick up the next one. For example, an item can be dropped on the rock that the bot cannot climb and then, after 10 seconds of unsuccessful attempts to pick it up, the bot will start to ignore it and will pick up another drop or continue to farm. Before
Delay: here you can specify the minimum time interval that must pass from the moment the item has been dropped to the moment when the bot will try to pick it up. This is to prevent the bot from picking up items too quickly (before the animation of dropping to the ground ends). This option is useful to arouse less suspicion.
Using filters, you can set up rules for each item individually or for all at once. For example, if you have a party of bots, you can set the DDs to pick up all the drop and healers and buffers - only Herbs Of Mana.
You can find a table that displays our customized items at the top. In the first column - the name, in the second - the type of item and its grade, in the third - the pickup rules and additional actions, and in the last column - the ID of the item.
Below the table are the settings for the selected element in the table, as well as buttons for adding and removing list elements.
First of all, we can set up general rules for all items. There is a line "All items" at the bottom of the table to do so. For example, you can disable thepick up of all items and then separately add certain items and enable the pickup of them. To add an item to the table, enter its name or ID first and then click "Search by Name/ID". By the way, you can also enter a part of the name. For example, for ease of search you can enter "Herb" and then select the desired items among all herbs.
After clicking on the button, you will see a list of found items, in which you need to enable checkboxes for items that you want to customize later. You can also select only one item - the checkbox "Select all" will help you with this. It selects all elements at once or deselects them. You can now click "Add" button and the marked items will appear in the general table. If you want to close the appeared list without adding anything, click the "Cancel" button.
Let's move on to customizing individual items. You can select any of them in the table and see all its settings bellow.
Pick up: this checkbox enables or disables the pickup of the drop.
In fight: if you activate this option, then the bot will pick up drop right during the fight. You can specify the radius here, in which the drop will be picked up, as well as specify additional conditions for the number of NPCs or mobs around us. You can also adjust whether to count only aggressive mobs or any mobs. For example, this is how you can adjust the pickup of Herbs of Life, additonally setting a condition for HP. Or, set up picking up some valuable drop, but only if we are attacked by few mobs.
Amount: this is a setting for items that drop as a stack. For example, for arrows or resources. The stacks with the amount of items more than the specified number will not be picked up by the bot.
Load: here you can set the maximum load of the bot's inventory, at which it will pick up the item. For example, you can set the archer to pick up arrows only if he has no weight penalty.
Condition: in this drop-down list you can select any condition for HP, MP, CP or bot level and enter a value next to it. After all, for example, the bot does not need a Herb Of Mana if it's MP is already full.
Priority: each item in the table can be assigned its own priority. The higher the value - the higher the picking up priority. For example, the bot will first collect all adena with priority 10 and only then will pick up the threads and bones with priority 8.
The bot has options to delete or crystallize items. For example, if the bot simply does not need an item that only clogs its inventory. Crystallization is used only if the bot has this ability (for example, the crafter).
If amount >: if the bot has more than the configured amount of the selected item in the inventory - item will be deleted or crystallized.
If load >: here the percantage of loading of our character is indicated, and if it is exceeded, the selected item will be deleted or crystallized. For example, archers can delete arrows if they have weight penalty and blacksmiths can crystallize dropped items.
Let's also mention the button "All the same", which will help to apply the settings of the selected item to all other items on the list.