Party settings in Adrenaline bot
In this instruction we will take a closer look at "Party settings" tab in the Adrenaline bot interface. You can set up assist, follow, party invite, party help and other stuff with the help of this tab. The adjustment of party heal and buff is done in the "Party heal buff" tab, and we have a separate instruction dedicated to this.
Invite next players - when this function is activated, the bot will invite to the party characters which nicknames are listed in the field below if they are in sight or they are running from the same PC. For ease of setting, you can double-click to open the list of visible players and mark the desired nicknames.
You can also configure loot rules here.
The bot will invite someone to the party only when it's turned on.
Accept invitations from - when this function is enabled, the bot will accept parties from all characters which nicknames are listed in the field below. Here you can also double-click to bring up a list of visible players for ease of customization.
It is worth noting that the bot will accept invites even when the farming is turned off.
From my own bot - you can activate this option to make all invites from your bots been accepted automatically so as not to write their nicknames manually.
Leave pt, if leader - this function implements the following logic: if your bot becomes a party leader, he will leave the party. You should activate this function if your party consists of your bots but only one of them has the party invite set up. Thus, all the bots will leave the party untill the desired bot becomes the party leader and then he will invite everyone else.
Assist by - if this option is enabled, then the bot will select the same targets as the characters which nicknames are listed below, or, in simple terms, assist. You can also enable the checkbox Assist by party leader so as not to write nicknames manually. Please note that if you activate this function, the bot will stop targeting on its own and will exclusively attack assisted targets instead.
When Help leader option is selected, the bot starts to attack only after the character you assist by attacks the mob. Attack at once option means that the bot starts to attack the mob as soon as the assister has targeted it, without waiting for the attack to start.
Guard regime, if no main assist - if, for any reason, there are no characters in sight by which the assist should be taken and mobs are attacking the bot, then it will fight them off, using the settings from "Attack" tab. You can find the instruction about this tab on our website.
Pause - here you can adjust the time interval that the bot will wait before assisting. Thanks to this pause, bots will not move synchronously from mob to mob as not to raise unnecessary suspicions.
Follow up - this option activates follow. The nicknames of characters are listed in the field below. You can also enable the checkbox Assist by party leader so as not to write nicknames manually. Thanks to this feature, bots will keep close.
Distance - here you can indicate the minimum and maximum distance at which our bot will keep from the leading character. If the Interrupt relax option is activated, then the bot will interrupt regen and automatically stand up if the leading character ran beyond the specified distance.
End position or Current position: If you choose End position option, the bot will move parallel to the leading character and will start to move simultaneously with him. It looks more natural. If you choose Current position option, the bot will move directly behind the leading character at a set distance (like a train) and this option is very similar to in-game double-click follow but it may be necessary, for example, in locations with narrow passages.
Random - here you can set up a random delay after which the bot will start follow the leading character and also randomize the distance a little bit.
Party / friend help [general enemy] - enabling this option means that the bot will attack the mobs that are attacked by your party members or characters which nicknames you add to your friend list.
Self protection - if this option is activated, the bot will fight off the mobs that are already attacking it first.
Pet's - you can also turn on the protection of the pet and summon and if the mobs attack your pet, the bot will immediately start to attack them back.
Party protect - if this option is activated, the bot will protect the party members and characters which nicknames are indicated in the field bellow from the mobs. It allows you to protect off party characters, for example, off party support.
Bot can protect party in one of two ways. Let's consider an example, where several mobs are attacking a party member:
If we choose Finish target option, the bot will start to attack one of the mobs and will hit it until it dies. If we choose Make mob hit me (aggr), the bot will start to attack the mob and hit it until it stops to attack the protected party member and after it the bot will attack next mob, i.e. the priority is to agro all mobs on yourself.
Friends List - here you can specify the nicknames of trusted characters that the bot will not attack in PvP or PK state and will also help them by attacking their mobs if the option Party / friend help [general enemy] is activated.
Relax with - if this option is enabled, our bot will sit for regen along with the characters which nicknames are specified in the field below, for example, it may be your assister.
By the way, you can find the options related to the relax of the party in the "Relax" sub-section in "Self heal" tab. We have also a instruction about it on our website.
Near - if this option is activated, our bot will run closer to the character with specified nickname. Otherwise, the bot will sit and regen right where it is at the moment and this is not very safe.
Stand up with, pause - the setting is responsible for making our bot to stand up together with the character with specified nickname. By default, the bot stands up instantly, that looks very suspicious, so it is recommended to set a short delay, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.
Accept all dialogues from - if you activate this option, the bot will accept various dialogues from the specified characters. For example, resurrection, summon or invite to events - any dialog that appears in the middle of the screen.
From my own bot - you can activate this checkbox to make dialogues from all your bots been accepted automatically so as not to write their nicknames manually.
You can select one of the proposed options in the drop-down list below. Let's take a closer look at each of them:
All - the bot will accept all dialogues from everyone. We strongly recommend not to use this option while farming - enemies will be able to kill and resurrect you indefinitely. But this particular option is suitable for registration for events.
Group - the bot will only accept dialogues from party members.
All from the list - the bot will accept dialogues only from the nicknames listed in the field below. This option excludes the accidental confirmation of dialogues from an unecessary character that, for example, could get into your party.
All from the group / list - the bot will accept dialogues from both party members and the specified list of characters.