Setting up Self Heal in Adrenaline bot
In this instruction we will take a closer look at "Self heal" tab in the Adrenaline bot interface. The settings of this tab determine how and under what conditions your bot and its pets will restore its health and mana and how they will behave in case of death.
There are 3 subsections at the top: skills and items for heal are configured in the first subsection, everything related to relax - in the second and the behavior in case of death - in the third.
Skill and item settings
Let's consider the settings for skills and items first:
The first thing we see is a table that displays a list of skills and items, as well as their settings. In the first column - the name, in the second - various conditions, in the third - the priority of use, in the fourth - the interval before reuse (delay).
Below the table are the settings for the selected element in the table, as well as buttons for adding and removing list elements. If you suddenly want to change the order of the element in the list, just drag it with the mouse.
Let's take a closer look at available settings:
Type - in this drop-down list, we choose what the bot will use: a character's skill, an item, a pet's skill or a pet's item. Items are useful if you need, for example, to restore your HP or CP using potions. And with the help of pet's skills, you can recharge your MP.
Name - after choosing the type, select the required skill, item, pet's skill or pet's item from this drop-down list. For ease of search, you can start entering the desired name. Please note that the bot has its own database and the names may not be the same with those you see in the game.
Interval - is the minimum time that must elapse between attempts to use selected skill or item, i.e. the check of other conditions will be performed once in the number of seconds specified here. For example, for settings of CP potions, we recommend to specify 0.3 seconds delay so that they are used immediately after CP loss and right after cooldown.
Use in fight - if this option is enabled, the bot will use the selected skills and items, including during being in combat. For example, this checkbox should be disabled for skills and items that have long casting time and that are making the character vulnerable.
Conditions - here you can set up to 2 different conditions for the use of the selected action. The type of condition is selected on the left and on the right - the value to be compared with. For different types of conditions, you need to enter different values here.
For example, all sorts of conditions for HP/MP/CP - either % or absolute values are indicated here. There are also conditions where you don't need to specify any values at all, for example, checks for root, stun, summoned pets, etc.
Please note that actions with a HP condition always have a higher priority, including rebuff, pickup of the drop, etc.
If you set up 2 conditions, they must be met simultaneously in order to use skills or items. If you need a skill or an item to be used according to first condition or second, just add 2 skills or items to the list and specify one condition for each. Be careful when you setting the conditions, they must not contradict each other, otherwise skills and items will not be used at all!
Summon and Pet - these options are responsible for ensuring that the selected items or skills do not work for character, but for summon and/or pet, respectively. Please note that when you activate one of these options, the first condition still controls the state of character and the second - the state of the summoned creature.
Pet food is one of the useful conditions for pets. With the help of this condition you can customize the feed by choosing the Pet Items type and food as an item.
Priority - this scale is responsible for the sequence of using skills and items. To change the priority - you just need to drag slider up or down, the higher slider - the higher the priority. In addition, the order of skills is influenced by the the order in which they appear in the table, i.e. if two skills have the same priority, the one that comes first in the list will be used first.
- Let's look at a simple example - we need to restore our HP using the potions. First, let's add a potion: select the Items type, then select Greater Healing Potion from the list and press the Add button. Then we set a condition so that the item will only be used if bot's HP% < (less) 90%. As you can see - everything is quite simple!
- Let's also set up the healing of our summon by our character. Now select the Skill type and the skill Servitor Heal. Then we activate the checkbox Summon and choose HP% < (less) 80% in the second condition intended for summon. That's all, you can add it to the list and we are done!
Okay, we worked it out.
Character died
Let's move on to the second most popular section - "Character died". The settings of this section determine the behaviour of the bot after it got killed.
Let's consider the available settings:
(If character is dead) Wait for respawn - you can indicate the time during which the bot will wait for its resurrection. We do not recommend to set up a time less than 3 secs - it may look suspicious.
If there is a party member nearby, you can increase the wait time so that he can run to your bot and cast the resurrection.
(If character is dead) If no res-go to - here we choose place to respawn in. Town, clanhall, fortress, fort or to flag.
(After resurrection) Pause fight for - you can indicate the time during which the bot will not attack mobs and players after resurrection. For example, a rebuff may be needed.
You can find the options to set up accept of resurrection (from whom to accept) in the "Party settings" tab. We discussed this tab in another our instruction.
Well, now our bot will know how to return from the dead properly.
Bots are people too and sometimes they need to recover - there is subsection "Relax" just for this purpose. You can configure the behavior of the character when the level of his HP/MP or his party members falls below the specified one.
Let's consider the available settings:
Sit - the character will sit down to regenerate upon reaching the low % of HP or MP. You can also set up relax if there are no suitable targets for a certain period of time.
Please note that the bot will sit down right where it stood if specific relax points have not been configured. We will talk about them later on.
Use skill - when this option is enabled, the bot will turn on specified aura before relax or use a skill for recovery, for example, healers' "Invocation".
Stand - when the specified value of HP or MP is reached, the bot will continue its activity and farming.
With a pause - you can set up the time interval here after which the bot will need to stand up when the regen is done. Two values are specified here to make the pause be random. For example, from 3 to 5 seconds.
Get up if party member is attacked - this option speaks for itself.
Relax points - we have already mentioned them before. You can configure up to 3 points. The bot will run back to them for regen. You can indicate the X, Y and Z coordinates and they can be quickly entered by pressing the Current button on the right.
There are also few more options for the party.
Group [relax] - when this option is enabled, the bot will sit down for regen if any of the characters you have listed have the MP level lower than the configured one. The bot will sit until all of the characters have the required amount of MP. For convenience, you can double-click to open the list of visible players and mark the desired nicknames.
Group [buff waiting] - and this option allows you to pause the bot's activity and farming if any of the buffs indicated here is expiring and the time left is less than the configured one. It is this setting that will make it possible, for example, to make the presence of SK icon, "Spirit of Shilen", on the character mandatory for the activation of farming. And, again, for ease of setting, you can double-click to open the list of current effects and select the ones you need.